Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Understanding Firewalls For The Home Computer

Not that long ago, firewalls were the exclusive province of corporations, designed to protect their computers from unauthorized access by competitors, disgruntled employees and so on. Nowadays, however, even though firewalls remain a key part of corporate networks, they have made steady inroads into the world of home computing. There are many reasons for the changing role of firewalls, including falling prices, simpler designs and greater needs.

The early firewalls were mainly hardware based devices, and they were very expensive as well. When software based firewalls first came on the market, they were complicated to use and quite costly as well. These days, however, there are a number of very inexpensive, and even free, software based firewalls on the market. As a matter of fact, firewalls have become so popular and important that Microsoft included a free one as part of its Windows XP Service Pack 2 update.

 There are many reasons why a home computer user needs to use a firewall. For one thing, those who connect to their office network will need to have a firewall in place to prevent unauthorized access to the home PC and the corporate network. In addition, anyone with a high speed Internet connection will find themselves the subject of unwanted attention by hackers, virus/spyware writers and so on. A firewall can help block that unwanted traffic.

 Why you need the protection of a firewall The fact is that a computer which is unprotected by a firewall can be hacked in a matter of minutes, by any one of a number of automated hacker programs that roam the Internet. The only way you can be sure that your computer and the information it contains are safe is to protect it with a firewall. In many ways, running a computer full of personal information without the protection of a firewall is like leaving your car doors unlocked with the keys in the ignition.

It is just as easy for an Internet thief to steal the information from your computer as it is for a thief to steal your car. In fact, stealing the information on your computer would probably be a lot easier. So, just as you should protect your car by locking the doors, you should lock down your computer with a reliable firewall. A firewall program, in conjunction with anti-virus software, anti-spyware programs and other Internet protection, helps to provide a secure and safe computing environment for you and your family. But it is important to download and install all the necessary updates to your operating system prior to installing any type of firewall program.

This is because a software based firewall can itself be at risk if the operating system has a security flaw. And it is always a good idea to keep Windows up to date, as there are always new security threats, and security flaws, being discovered. So having your operating system up to date will give you a good base to go by. Finding a trustworthy firewall There are a number of excellent firewall programs on the market, and it is generally a good idea to try several of them before deciding which one to use.

 Check out the online reviews and then since most firewalls provide a free trial period, take advantage of this option before you buy. Some firewalls will come packaged with other security oriented software, such as anti-virus software or spyware elimination programs. Other firewall programs are simply standalone products.

Whichever type you choose is more a matter of personal preference than anything else. But no matter what type of firewall you choose, it is important to configure it properly, according to the instructions provided. A properly configured firewall, in conjunction with good anti-virus software and a spyware elimination program, is the best way to protect your computer and the valuable data that it contains.
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A firewall is a software program or piece of hardware that helps screen out hackers, viruses, and worms that try to reach your computer over the Internet. If you can’t start Windows Firewall or you are getting an error, use our free tool to diagnose and fix problems


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